Terms & Conditions
Please read the following terms and conditions very carefully as your use of our service and product is subject to your acceptance of the following terms and conditions.
All products/services displayed on this website constitute an ‘invitation to offer.’ Your order for the purchase or putting in your email constitutes your ‘offer’ which will be subject to the following terms and conditions
1. Purchase of our products
We use third-party service to sell our product. This website does not take any credit card or debit card information. If you purchase our product, you’ll be subject to the terms and conditions of the website you’re buying the product from.
2. Your Email Id
We collect email ids to keep you informed of our latest company updates and deals and offerings. We collect it only if you enter the information in the secure forms placed on the website. You can unsubscribe to our email list any time
By browsing this website, you adhere to our terms and conditions and privacy policy.